Art and Science of Teaching Engineering: Students in India


Art and Science of teaching Engineering subjects using modern electronic mediums have become very important to keep students’ attention alive in the class. Faculty members teaching engineering students always face the challenge as to how should one impart knowledge to the students to enable them, not only understand the subject thoroughly, but also, how to impart necessary skills and competencies to increase their employability and shape an industry ready engineer. To develop proper competencies and skills besides subject knowledge, one has to deviate from traditional classroom teaching to a mode of teaching where students learn through modern electronic gadgets such as mobile technology, apps, laptops using internet, visual observation by working on fully operational cut sections of automobiles, aircraft simulators, learning sessions at industry, learning tools used in industry, videos of actual manufacturing processes in industry, videos of testing methodology, tutorials available on internet etc. Recent surveys have found that students want to use mobiles in the class rooms and they have found that it results in enhanced learning. Modern pedagogies of teaching play important role in enhanced learning, honing skill sets and development of competencies. Flip class rooms, video conferencing and similar activities have also proved to help the engineering students, especially those who are slow learners. On inducting fresh engineering teaching faculty, we have to ensure that do undergo Intensive Teaching Workshops, where they are exposed to all the modern tools and techniques, they should be encouraged to participate in Faculty Development Programmes, Professional Development Programmes, Seminars/Symposium/Conferences etc. Where ever possible, a mentor having long teaching experience and thorough subject knowledgeable, should be attached with every new faculty. To ensure highest level of interest for students in engineering disciplines, we have to motivate them for innovations and convince them about the advantages of innovation, patents and publications. We may even institute Emerging Technology Awards to keep the students engaged in their innovative projects.


Ravi Prakash


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Tertiary Teaching and Learning