Using Haptic Technology to Decrease the Learning Curve in Pre-Clinical Dental Education


New technologies are continually being developed in the healthcare industry to enhance the diagnostic abilities and treatment options available to healthcare providers in the care of their patients. These technologies not only increase the longevity of the individual but also their quality of life. In addition, innovative technologies are also being developed to improve the training of health care providers. The consequence of better trained healthcare providers should actualize the same results, extension of life as well as the improvement of the quality of life. The ability to perform intricate maneuvers in a confined space requires an acute command of hand-to-eye coordination. Haptic technologies have been developed to aid in the training of future dental professionals. This technology can be implemented towards the reduction of the learning curve in the mastery of skills specific to the dental profession. This study not only exhibits an innovative teaching methodology, but also explores a unique concept in the learning of psychomotor skills. Advanced clinical expertise attained in a shorter period of time can permit not only the perfection of performance but also the acquisition of additional skills during ones formal education.


Richard Callan


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Technologies in Learning


"Haptic Technology", " Innovative Teaching and Learning", " Decreased Learning Curve"