Influence of a Student-Centred Approach to Teaching on the Achievement of Students’ Career Goals and Personal Aspirations


Competency-Based Training focuses on the acquisition of work-related competencies. The study examined the acquisition of competencies, and it investigated students’ progress in the direction of their career goals and personal aspirations when a humanistic/student-centred approach to teaching was used in a Competency-Based program. Nineteen students in Certificate III, Community Services Education (Aged Care Work) participated in the study. Information was collected during the 17-week program, three and six months after. The methodology for the study was derived from the Theory of Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) as presented by George Kelly (1955/1991). The theory of PCP acknowledges individuals as responsible, active and meaning-seeking agents who are open to change and to personal development. The theory also proposes active participation between researcher and respondents. In the study, the students became co-researchers who examined and interpreted their constructs systems. Through their stories and personal reflections, the study monitored the students’ progress in becoming the person that I would like to be.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


"1.\tHumanistic education", " 2.\tNaturalistic inquiry", " 3.\tPersonal Construct Psychology", " 4.\tVocational education", " 5.\tCompetency-Based Training", " 6.\tAged Care Work"