Professional Skills and Qualifications Certification in Brazil


So many reasons lead a young person to work without continuing formal education. His professional competences are developed therefore through his work performance. At a certain moment in his career, only professional experience may not be sufficient for a promotion or a new job opportunity. There is also another professional profile that needs a diploma to obtain a job: the refugee who leaves his country with no documents proving his professional experience and courses taken. In both cases it is possible to obtain a diploma in institutions accredited by the State Council of Education of the State of São Paulo/SP, Brazil, for the certification of competencies needed for the purposes of diploma. Since 2011, the Paula Souza Center, Institution of Public Technologic Education, has carried out the processes of certification of competences for the purposes of diploma in its technical courses. The interested ones are evaluated by contextualized interview, theoretical and practical evaluation in which it is assessed if he has the necessary skills to practice the profession of technician. To illustrate better the process, it will be presented the story of Blaze, a Congolese political refugee who acquired his inclusion in the Brazilian labor market through the process carried by Paula Souza Center.


Ana Lúcia Sartorelli
Teacher, Etec Profª Maria Cristina Medeiros, Centro Paula Souza, São Paulo, Brazil

Tereza Silva


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Assessment and Evaluation


"Skills", " Qualification", " Inclusion"