Level of Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Among Nursing Students in Chile


In 2016, 330 nursing students between their 1st-5th years at a Chilean nursing school self-assessed their RIPL using the interprofessional learning scale (RIPLS). RIPLS measures patient centeredness, teamwork and collaboration, and sense of professional identity. Additional items asked students’ interprofessional learning outside the classroom and asked professors how they promoted these skills in the classroom. There was no difference was found between student’s years in nursing school. The teamwork dimension, despite no significant difference, showed a trend of greater disposition for RIPL among fifth year students. Overall, only one RIPLS item was significant: “Shared learning before graduation will help health professionals to build better teams”. The interprofessional activities reported by professors were not entirely formal or intentional. Students reported an increase of shared learning with other health students, however no significant difference was found. This is the first Chilean study assessing the RIPL among nursing students. Despite the high level of RIPL, there was still a desire to increase RIPL. Therefore, continued assessment and intentional interprofessional activities need to be part of the nursing curriculum to ensure increased RIPL i competency levels.


Lisette Paola Irarrázabal Vargas

Carla Föster

Paola Carrasco

Silvia Barrios

Ximena Gonzales

Ivonne Vargas
Académico, School of nursing, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

Paola Acevedo


Presentation Type

Virtual Lightning Talk


Learning in Higher Education


"Inteprofessional Learning", " Students", " High Education"