Tabula Rasa in Machine Learning and Human Learning


Artificial Intelligence AI, Alphago Zero, starts with Tabula Rasa. Epistemological idea Tabula Rasa, blank slate, means that all most all the human knowledge comes from experience. Through experience, human being accumulates knowledge and data. According to the Behaviorism, experience is S-R (stimuli-response) processing. It reminds us of Pavlov’s dog. Dog has trained with stimuli and response repeatedly and has internalized his behavior. In this Behaviorism idea, human is like to be an animal and a machine. Same as machine, human can be trained with positive reinforcement and positive punishment. Machine Learning is high and cutting edge technology supervised by human. As can be seen in Deep Mind Learning system, Machine Learning surpasses Human Learning in some field. In this new learning environment, human value fluctuates a lot. It leads us to the ontological question “what is human being?” and “human learning is useless or not?” From the questions, we should think again what is difference between Machine Learning and Human Learning? Alphago Zero’s Machine Learning system follows experimental process. It focuses on a posteriori cognitive learning as in Empiricism and Behaviorism.


Seung Hwan Kim


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


"Tabula Rasa", " Deep learning", " Reinforcement Learning"