Research to Action


We will explore how doctoral candidates, as scholarly practitioners, conduct their research to create a dissertation with the intent of applying their findings in their field of education; thus putting theory to practice. As future leaders of higher education, such research affords doctoral candidates the opportunity to take on identify a problem that they will investigate, research, develop a solution, and put the solution into action. Framed around questions of equity, ethics and social justice this model seeks to develop its doctoral candidates into leaders who: will bring about solutions to complex problems, construct and apply knowledge to make a positive difference in higher education, and emphasizes the generation, transformation and use of professional knowledge and practice.


Priscilla Ann Wallace-Boerger
Department Chair and Program Director, Education, Regis College, Massachusetts, United States

Marsha Glines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session



"Applied Learning/Research", " Theory to Practice", " Institutional Change"