Contextual Pitfalls: Focusing on Capacitating Teachers to Teach in a Diverse Learning Environment


In 2001 South Africa moved to a more inclusive education approach with the introduction of Education White Paper 6 (EWP6). The goal of this policy is to ensure that all learners receive quality education. A pivotal strategy to ascertain this goal is to capacitate teachers in applying a variety of teaching strategies to address learners’ diverse needs in one classroom. However, sixteen years after EWP6 this appears to remain an unattainable goal. Several research studies report on the poor quality of education in South Africa, asserting that teachers struggle to cope with the diverse learning needs in one classroom. The purpose of the research project, reported on in this presentation, was to empower teachers in employing the Six-Bricks Lego and Six Thinking Hats strategies to improve learners’ thinking, language, perceptual, socio-emotional and motoric skills. A mixed-methods research approach using a quasi-experimental design was employed. Three primary schools were purposefully selected to use as pilot projects. Contextual factors as possible variables impacting on the research were thrashed out beforehand with the help of an advisory committee. However, during the implementation expected and unforeseen contextual issues challenged the researchers to recognise that these issues can become pitfalls in conducting authentic research.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learner Diversity and Identities


"Contextual Pitfalls", " Authentic Research"