Full STEAM Ahead: Addressing the Opportunity Gap through an Afterschool Enrichment Program


This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Full STEAM ahead afterschool program implemented in five elementary schools in an urban school district in Southern California. The study evaluated students’ level of science, technology, engineering, and math conceptual understandings and attitudes toward experimenting and confidence in STEAM learning. Results revealed how this STEAM enrichment program helped the development of learner’s analogy skills, engineering capabilities, prediction testing, reasoning skills, and application of science concepts. Seventy-four percent of students surveyed reported to “like” the full STEAM ahead activities while 81% indicated that they enjoyed experimenting. Forty-two percent of the students revealed that they did not know the science content prior to participation in this enrichment program. The self-efficacy of the students was very high with 69% self-reporting that they expect to do “very well” in their academic science/math classes. Since the majority of students in the program are Latino, the inference is that enrichment of these skills will help bridge the “opportunity gap” that today’s Latino students face in the U.S.


Sandy Buczynski


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning


"STEAM", " After-school Program", " Opportunity Gap"