Improvement of Narrative Competencies through Design Thinking in Teaching of Audiovisual Script for Undergraduate Students


Over the course of two years, three teachers and thirty students from the Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication Program of the University of La Sabana (Colombia) have been part the group “Sigla,” an interdisciplinary research group in scriptwriting and an audiovisual laboratory. This initiative intends that within academy the participants experience the whole process of audiovisual creation, from generation of original stories to their production. This group has developed a research-creation project focused on the examination of new strategies and forms of teaching in these areas through the application of Design Thinking, a methodology for solving problems with innovative proposals, significant for a specific group of people. We start from the study of creative processes within the academy, centered on quality improvement of audiovisual training. This paper aims to present the case study of one of these educational experiences, in which Design Thinking strategies favored the consolidation of narrative competencies such as the identification of conflict and its effective communication through the audiovisual language, and sharing its process since idea generation until the final version of the short film.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


"Design Thinking", " Scriptwriting", " Teaching"