Adaptive Learning Environment for EFL Students


This research study was carried out in order to contrast online activities designed in an adaptive platform called Smartsparrow, created by a research group at the University of New South Wales, Australia, as an alternative way to incorporate ICT tools in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses. This research involved 30 elementary and pre intermediate level students from different faculties at a private Colombian University named Santo Tomás, focusing on EFL and some adaptive features based on students´ interests, learning styles and needs. In this way, action research was used to develop this study. The implementation of the online world mentioned above sought to promote autonomous work through activities in a online platform. The research was developed in 2 phases of implementation and the results showed how students worked autonomously, taking advantage of tutoring spaces.


Carol Anne Ochoa


Presentation Type

Virtual Poster


Pedagogy and Curriculum, Technologies in Learning


"Adaptive Learning", " EFL", " Tutoring"