Learning from the Educator’s Perspective: The Lived Experience in Learning of Educators in Accredited Programs in Australia


A number of researchers have suggested that the aim of teaching is to create opportunities for learning. However, learning is a complex phenomenon and poorly understood. This study used phenomenography to identify the qualitatively different ways in which educators in accredited programs in VET and HE in Australia perceive and conceive of learning. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 educators and their responses analysed using iterative phenomenographic data analysis. The results gained from this study add new insights into learning and the way educators appreciate it in their roles as professional educators, learners, and mentors. By disseminating these new insights, this study further clarifies the phenomenon of learning and aspects that matter when creating opportunities for learning.


Christine Chinchen


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


"Learning", " Phenomenography"