Knowledge Ecologies

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Teaching Qualitative Research Methodology at the Catholic University of Korea: Introducing the Political Strategic Analysis of Culture

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Benedict Edward DeDominicis  

The CUK Spring Semester 2017 undergraduate course, “Methodology for International Studies” was a practical, project-based course that aimed to help students better understand how perceptions, attitudes and values of political actors influence their political behavior in the context of political, economic and cultural globalizing processes. Students gathered information and data about a political actor, namely an international student at the Catholic University of Korea, to analyze his or her identity and behavior. The course outcome objectives in terms of student learning included the following: Demonstrate greater critical awareness of the predominant theoretical perspectives for orienting the analysis of cultural groups in relation to globalization; Gain an understanding of the current state of qualitative approaches to social science analysis; Demonstrate more effective written and oral communication skills for political analysis for distribution to different stakeholders; Demonstrate greater student ability to exploit new information technologies for student learning, community development and career advancement.

Social Representations Regarding the Graduation Profile of the Differential Education Career and Its Social Public Function

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Nathaly Vera-Gajardo  

Social representations create cognitive systems, which are organized from stereotypes, values, norms, personal forming ourselves as individuals within society. In this context, this research paper aims to identify which are the social representations that students have entering the first year of the career of Special Education Teacher respect to the identity of the professional who wishes to form, and then interpret and contrast them with the Graduate Profile established by the Catholic University of Temuco, analyzing the public and social function of this profile. The research considered as first year students research subjects and data collection was performed using interview techniques and semantic networks; which were applied to two groups of participants. The results show that the subjects have a greater knowledge regarding the general competences of the profession, but not of the specific ones, relating the concept with the role and not with the discipline.

Research to Action

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Priscilla Ann Wallace-Boerger,  Marsha Glines  

We will explore how doctoral candidates, as scholarly practitioners, conduct their research to create a dissertation with the intent of applying their findings in their field of education; thus putting theory to practice. As future leaders of higher education, such research affords doctoral candidates the opportunity to take on identify a problem that they will investigate, research, develop a solution, and put the solution into action. Framed around questions of equity, ethics and social justice this model seeks to develop its doctoral candidates into leaders who: will bring about solutions to complex problems, construct and apply knowledge to make a positive difference in higher education, and emphasizes the generation, transformation and use of professional knowledge and practice.

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