Determining Factors in the Eco-friendly Choice of Hotels: Marketing Strategies, Ecological Practices and Consumer Preferences


People’s tendency towards sustainable behavior is gradually increasing, which affects the perception of the hotel industry, which has high consumption of non-renewable resources. To learn which factors influence the consumer when choosing an eco-friendly hotel, a quantitative study was carried out on a sample of 180 observations from the city of Cali-Colombia, using the logistic regression method on three proposed constructs: hotel choice factors in general, ecological practices perceived by the consumer for choosing a hotel and marketing strategies developed by the hotel. The results show that tourists prioritize the ecological practices carried out by hotels, especially sustainable management (specifically the reduction of pollution) and their ecological certifications, in addition to the quality of the infrastructure and the inclusion of people in their facilities with reduced mobility. In this way, hotel management must highlight these significant aspects since it can considerably increase the probabilities of choosing the hotel, being elements that satisfy the demand for sustainable tourists, providing economic benefits and responding to the urgent need to consider protection demands for the planet´s sustainability.


Madeline Melchor
Docente, Facultad de Administración, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Juan Fernando Lozano Barrera
Student, Mercadeo y Negocios Internacionales, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Valle del Cauca, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Changing Dimensions of Contemporary Tourism