“Yeah, Here We G(l)o(bal)”: The Impact of the National Football League International Series on Tourism Intentions and Consumer Behaviors


For decades, sports have been drivers of tourism in various countries. In the United States, the National Football League (NFL) has implemented an International Series in an effort to expand their global presence. Currently, the NFL schedules at least four international games per season in several markets, such as the United Kingdom (UK), Mexico, and Germany. By and large, these games have been successful in attracting fans in the locality (satellite fans) based on relatively high attendance levels. Prior work has shown that satellite fans of the NFL clearly exist and have a diverse set of opinions related to teams relocating to their local market. However, research on the specific impact of the International Series on tourism intentions and related consumer behaviors and attitudes towards the United States is scant. Using a quantitative approach, the current research further studies satellite fans of the NFL, particularly located in the UK, Mexico, and Germany. We measure their levels of fandom towards American football, team identification, consumer behaviors (e.g., purchase and viewership), as well as attitudes towards and intentions to visit the United States. Findings from our study reveal critical insights regarding these satellite fans of the NFL that scholars and practitioners can consider in light of such expansion initiatives by professional sports leagues.


Sean Pradhan
Associate Professor of Sports Management and Business Analytics, School of Business, Menlo College, California, United States

Arman P. Medina
Student, Executive PhD - IN PROGRESS, University of Denver, Colorado, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Tourism and Leisure Industries


Sport Tourism, American Football, Consumer Behavior, Satellite Fans