A Multi-stakeholder Engagement Model for Sustainable Use of National Heritage Sites


National Heritage sites (NHs) are of historic, cultural, and natural importance. They form a unique component of a country’s appeal to international tourists as well as a key part of the country’s history and culture. But how can we find the balance between the ecological, economic and socio-cultural needs of these protected sites while utilising them as a key tourist attraction? Drawing on service design and public sector management theory, this project details the development and implementation of a Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Model for NHs, within a national public sector organisation. Through the Framework, NH-related professionals, commercial actors, landowners, regulators, local community members and tourists co-create sustainable practices which benefit all parties. Findings provide effective operational and managerial practices for a user-centred approach to multi-stakeholder management within the public tourism sector. Firstly, firsthand experience of the NHs is critical to establish empathy between all stakeholders. This is supported by additional qualitative research to provide user insights from a wider perspective and to identify any key drivers of use/misuse of the NHs. Secondly, journey mapping - a visual representation of the tourist experience – is an effective methodology to communicate how tourists currently use the site and more importantly, why they use it in this way to stakeholders. Thirdly, journey maps are a valuable tool to generate solutions, as they equip stakeholders with a structured framework to discuss/resolve key concerns in the context of the tourist experience.


Linzi Ryan
Assistant Professor, Design Innovation, Maynooth University, Ireland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Changing Dimensions of Contemporary Tourism


National heritage site; Stakeholder management; Public Sector; Empirical study