How Much Do Tourists Value Sustainable Tourism Attributes in Discrete Choice Experiment?: A Meta-regression Analysis


Sustainable tourism has gained significant interest, but research knowledge specifically on tourists’ willingness to pay (WTP) needs to be more cohesive. This paper weaves the conceptual foundations of tourism and leisure with the social and natural sciences, constituting a crucial path toward a more nuanced understanding of sustainable tourism. This study conducts a systematic review and meta-regression analysis to synthesize evidence on marginal willingness to pay for sustainable attributes based on 47 discrete choice (DCE) papers. The findings reveal that tourists are more inclined to pay for sustainable product features related to nature, the environment, and local communities. Furthermore, the study delves into tourism practices and reveals possible mitigations for the impact on daily life in tourist areas. WTP estimates increase with more attributes and larger samples, while payment vehicles and sustainability status of attributes significantly influence willingness to pay. These findings provide novel evidence to guide research design and highlight sustainable features that align with tourists’ preferences. This meta-regression equips tourism academics and professionals with crucial knowledge to promote sustainability by incorporating it into offerings with demonstrated consumer value. The constantly evolving nature of the tourism and leisure sectors demands a re-evaluation of existing paradigms, with it being imperative to consider novel approaches, concepts, and frameworks to drive new research, models, and practices such as this meta-regression.


Jaime Blazquez Valeron
Student, PhD Candidate, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain

Carmelo J. León
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Eugenio Diaz Fariña
Professor, Applied Economics, Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Changing Dimensions of Contemporary Tourism