Risk and Opportunities of Sustainable Tourism Development in Mountain Regions in Ghana


Tourism has become the largest business sector in the world economy, responsible for over 230 million jobs and 10 percent of the gross domestic product globally. Tourism have been contributing the considerable impacts on local communities and the natural environment of the host destinations. On the other hand mass tourism has also brought environmental and cultural degradation and also economic disruption in many pristine sites of the world. The paper considers current opportunities of mountain and ecotourism in Ghana where tourism is one of the fastest expanding industries which has been leaving various negative impacts in different areas. It considers the current state of mountain and ecotourism in Ghana. The paper also critically analyses mountain and ecotourism impacts and challenges in the case of Ghana and point out some recommendations for better practices. Ghana has an abundance of opportunities for mountain and ecotourism industry, but its effective practice and implementation is not promising due to lack of commitment of governmental policy and planning strategy with combination of integrated conservation and development. Thus to run a mountain and ecotourism project properly, principles and theories of ecotourism must be considered a major base while make its policy and planning. Policy must be integrative, collaborative and comprehensive to achieve real outcome of ecotourism by realizing importance of environmental, social and economic imperatives.


Kwaku Oppong
Project Officer, Research, Tropenbos Ghana, Ashanti, Ghana


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Issues in Tourism and Leisure Studies


Ghana, Tourism, Mining