Modeling Attributes of Religious and Spiritual Tourism: A Comparative Study in Indian Context


Religious and spiritual tourism is vital to the industry, drawing diverse visitors worldwide. This study examines factors affecting visitor satisfaction and trip frequency in India, where deep spiritual and religious connections impact daily life. It explores five latent attributes: motivation, service quality, safety, satisfaction, and trip frequency. The study differentiates between religious and spiritual sites to understand disparities in these factors. The research investigates how tourist motivation, service quality, and safety influence satisfaction and trip frequency. It employs a perception survey and structured questionnaires to examine people’s perceptions of two sites, Puri and Auroville. Puri, deeply rooted in religious traditions, attracts millions with its rituals. Auroville, on the other hand, emphasizes universal harmony and holistic living. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling explore relationships and test the hypotheses between these factors. The research provides insights to benefit event managers and planners of mega-religious gatherings. Shedding light on unique factors driving visitor satisfaction and trip frequency enhances the visitor experience and promotes inclusivity in culturally significant spaces.


Mohita Dasgupta
Student, Maters in Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Tourism and Leisure Industries


Religious and Spiritual Tourism; Indian context; Attributes; SEM