Plenary Session and Discussion with Szilvia Gyimóthy

"Waste Pathways in Tourism: Responsibilizing Childlike Consumers in the Anthropocene"

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Szilvia Gyimóthy, Associate Professor, Marketing, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Marketing, Denmark
Adenike Adebayo, Senior Lecturer, Tourism and Events, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, United Kingdom


Szilvia Gyimóthy is Associate Professor at the Centre of Tourism and Culture Management, Department of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School. During her research career, she has been affiliated with several Nordic universities, such as Lund University (Sweden), Stavanger University (Norway), and Aalborg University (Denmakr). Szilvia’s research expertise rests in the intersection of strategic market communication, tourism geography and consumer culture studies, with a particular focus on place marketing. Driven by the interest of understanding how tourism is shaping places and place marketing; Szilvia studies the consequences of global leisure mobility on both urban and rural destinations. In her previous research projects, she explored the commodification of peripheral regions along popular consumer culture trends, including the Nordic terroir, adventure sports, Bollywood films and contemporary pilgrimage. Her current research focuses on measuring contested place-making practices arising from access-based tourism platforms; as well as on mapping the drivers and effects of short-term mass tourism and emergent digital nomadism in new ways.

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