Plenary Session and Discussion with Macià Blázquez-Salom

"Majorca "à gogo". The agency of the ruling class in the social production of Spain as a mass tourist destination"

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Macia Blazquez-Salom, Professor, Department of Geography, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Aggelos Panayiotopoulos, Senior Lecturer, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom


Macià Blázquez-Salom is a Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of the Balearic Islands. He teaches and researches on tourism, sustainability and land use planning. He has been a visiting scholar at the universities of México (Toluca and La Paz), Nicaragua (UNAM), Dominican Republic (INCTEC), Austria (Salzburg), Germany (Rurh-Bochum), Sweden (Mid-Sweden) and the Netherlands (Wageningen). As a way to link activism and research within the framework of Radical Geography and Political Ecology, he collaborates with social movements in Spain, particularly in the Balearic Islands (, but also in Latin America (

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