Sustainable Tourism Development of the Provincial Reserve, Staten Island


At the moment, the promotion and the tourist exploitation of the Island of the States is minimum, reason why in the present work, in the function of the investigation of the destination made (including the survey of its natural and historical patrimony), the viability is verified to include it in a much more ambitious provincial and municipal tourism development plan, depending on the potential demand. A key point for this project is any activity that involves contact with this island must respect the parameters of sustainability and conservation of its current character of Provincial Ecological Reserve. Likewise, it is an object of this study. It is a place of entry in the whole region, promoting the maritime, tourist and regional integration of the island of the States with that city. and his or her environment. To be able to specify this, objectives have been designed that include an adequate tourist promotion, the possibility of concessions, the excursions in the operators, the corresponding correspondence to the national travel agencies with international reach. Finally, it has also become known in this work to bring to the knowledge various historical facts of great relevance in this island, which until now has not been fully compiled and has arrived. All this without forgetting to mention the mysteries and the laws that also integrate the heritage of this territory.


Josefina Muratorio


Presentation Type

Virtual Lightning Talk


2019 Special Focus - Beyond Constraints: Valuing Diversity and Culture in the Tourism Experience


Tourism, Sustainability, Recreation, Experience, Planning, Research, Adventure, Argentina, Province