Coastal Tourism Development Strategic Plan : Coastal Tonekabon


As one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, tourism is increasingly recognized as a vital contributor to job and wealth creation, environmental protection, cultural preservation, and poverty alleviation. Meanwhile, Coastal tourism is the oldest and most popular forms of tourism. According to the presence of good beaches and provide the appropriate basis for the development of coastal tourism development in the country This paper aims to examine the benefits and obstacles facing the development of tourism in the coastal area of Tonekabon township. Strategic planning and suggested strategies may sustain the development of coastal tourism using SWOT and ANP technique combined in this study, and reference sources available in the Library, field work, detailed plans were made and thematic the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Study area in four main areas: natural, human - culture, tourism infrastructure impact on the natural environment coast is specify For calculating ANP model calculation software SUPERDECISION The findings show that the existence of 11 strengths and 10 weaknesses, 7opportunities, and 10 threats, seven were identified in the region, the best strategy O4 and competitive strategy - aggressive, review, biodiversity, and defense have been the first calculate.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Issues in Tourism and Leisure Studies


Strategic Planning, Coastal Tourism