A Gender-deficit Study of Inbound Tourists and Outbound Travelers in Taiwan


Sourced from official government data, a 15-year-spectrum data for monthly inbound tourists and outbound travelers from 2003 to 2017 for top 10 markets in Taiwan were collected and analyzed by this study. Aimed to demonstrate, explore, cluster, and monitor the spatiotemporal deficit with respect to different genders, this study not only explored the static phenomenon that deficit or surplus of different gender occurred in each market, but monitored its dynamic disturbance as well. Statistical procedures including correlation analysis, K-mean clustering, MANOVA analysis, and MDS, were respectively adopted to discover the correlative relation among each different market, determine each observation into proper group, testify the hypotheses of heterogeneous cluster centers significantly exist, and down-level the spatial complexity from high-dimension to 2-dimension in order to better interpret the patterns revealed behind the original space.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Tourism and Leisure Industries


Gender, Tourism Markets