Risk Factors Influencing Tourism Development: Tourism Risk Management


Nowadays, tourism is one of the largest and most rapidly developing sectors of the world economy. Therefore, it is very important to investigate what risk factors affect the development of tourism. Research problem: which risk factors are most important for tourism development, and how to evaluate them and use them for risk management. Methods used in the research: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, analysis of statistical data, expert evaluation, questionnaire survey. The main risk factors, influencing tourism development, identified during the investigation were: terrorism; war and political instability; health problems; crimes. The main criteria for classification of tourism risk were identified: consumer behavior, the nature of risk use, the nature of cause, duration of consequences. It is disclosed that tourism risks and emerging threats can be considered in several sections: from a tourist point of view, from the tourism destination (inbound tourism) point of view, from the regulatory authority’s point of view. It has been determined that the establishment of a risk assessment methodology can be carried out from several positions: the consumer, tourism organizers and regulators.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Issues in Tourism and Leisure Studies


Tourism, Risk, Terorrism