Medical Tourism in the Homeland: A Korean American Perspective


The globalization of health care has given rise to a new form of tourism, “health tourism” of which medical tourism is among the fastest growing sector. It is increasingly being recognized as having great potential for growth, generating considerable revenues and job creation in the service industry. While South Korea is considered one of the fastest emerging markets in medical tourism, it is not clear what factors play a role in medical tourists’ decision when they seek treatment in a particular country. During October 2016 to April 2017, a total of 207 Korean Americans responded to surveys regarding a medical trip to South Korea. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze medical characteristics (cost, service quality, physician quality, facilities and access), and touristic characteristic (food, accommodation, shopping, attractiveness, and security) on intention to take a medical tour to South Korea. The results showed that: Cost, service quality, and facilities impacted Korean American’s intention to seek treatment in the homeland. Food, accommodation and security were important to Korean American medial tourist seeking to take a medial tour to South Korea. Significant differences were found regarding cost between experienced vs potential medical tourist. This study suggests that Korean medical stakeholders continue to highlight the affordability of the medical treatment, provide continuous quality training for staff in patient care and ensure that affordable accommodations, food variety and security are highlighted in international marketing campaigns to potential medical tourists.


Julaine Rigg

Joonwoo Moon
Assistant Professor, Strategic Communication, Morgan State University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Changing Dimensions of Contemporary Tourism


Medical Tourism, Korean American, South Korea, Health Tourism, Access