Analysis of Instagram Use to Communicate Global Tourism Opportunities to African-Americans


In recent years, communication practices regarding global tourism have significantly changed. The opportunity for digital tourism communication has promoted faster and broader means of message dissemination across many sectors. Even more, the use of social media has allowed for increased and more effective communication of global tourism and travel opportunities to diverse populations. This research paper will focus on the state of communication practices by travel/tourism organizations on instagram that target the African- American population specifically. Extent tourism research presents a void of literature related to how social mediated operations are practiced by tourism/travel organizations primarily communicating on social media. Thus, this study being the first of its kind, will explore how the top tourism/travel organizations communicate, visualize, perform and organize travel opportunities geared toward African-Americans on Instagram through the method of qualitative content analysis. Study outcomes will provide a new perspective of how social media is being used to promote tourism to specific and diverse audiences who have historically lower rates of global travel.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Changing Dimensions of Contemporary Tourism


Tourism, Instagram, Social Media, African-Americans