Organizational Integration Processes for Volunteer Management in the Service Sector


In recent years a number of organizations have applied classic human resource management processes to volunteers and the applicability of these in this specific context has been questioned (Alfes, Antunes and Shantz, 2017; Cuskelly et al., 2006). A number of authors have expressed the view that volunteer workforces require volunteer (as opposed to) human resource management. There are three key theories that describe the process through which individuals are integrated into workplaces to become effective insiders (all applied in human rather than volunteer resource management contexts). These are socialization, institutionalization, and assimilation (Aybet, 2000). These theories have been tested in contexts in which employees are paid and they provide the theoretical framework for this project. The different stage models from institutionalization, OS, and assimilation can be aligned and the below figure comes out of the comparison. Within the stage models, a pre-entry phase highlights the recruitment & selection phase, as well as the time running up to the first day of work. The entry phase refers to the first day(s) on the job, whilst the learning phase recognizes that new recruits need to learn skills. The embedding stage recognizes the personal and emotional attachment to the organization that the new recruits develop over time, which is not recognized in institutionalization. The final stage of “(effective) insider” is the final objective for this process.


Sebastiaan Raymaekers
Conduct Officer, Oxford Brookes University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus - Beyond Constraints: Valuing Diversity and Culture in the Tourism Experience


Volunteers, Volunteer Management, Integration, Heritage Tourism