Economic Distress in Nigeria: A Focus on Tourism and Leisure Industry in Oyo State


Recently, economic challenges have become much complicated due to a sharp reduction in the price of crude oil which is the major national major income earner (about 90%) for the country. This development has been putting enormous economic pressure on governments at all levels.Gladly, governments, researchers, scholars and analysts have been engaging in activities geared towards finding enduring solutions to the economic distress facing the country. With a primary focus on Oyo State (a State in Southwestern Nigeria), this paper will be a contribution to the ongoing efforts at getting Nigeria out of her present economic difficulties. It argues that diversification of the national economy through the promotion and development of Tourism and Leisure Industries is one of the most fundamental ways of healing the ailing national economy. Nigeria is blessed with rich tourism and cultural potentials which have remained untapped for centuries. The fact that the country has over 250 ethnic groups means varieties of rich and colorful festivals. The landscape (about 923,000 square kilometers) is also made up of: beautiful vegetation; picturesque scenery;ecological features adorned with many historical sites, monuments; treasurable antiquities and shrines. The above observation is applicable to most States in Nigeria including Oyo State but this work argues that the situation is not hopeless for possible turn around and development of tourism in Oyo State.