Tourism Derivatives as Predictors of Social Welfare Benefits among Youth in Host Communities in Ogun State


The study examined the influence of tourism derivatives on social welfare benefits among youth in host communities in Ogun State. A total of two hundred and forty-five (245) youth randomly selected from two tourist destinations across the state constituted the sample for the study. The ages ranged from 17years to 40 years with a mean age of 29.5 years and standard deviation of 3.5. The instrument used for data collection was an author-constructed questionnaire with 0.64 reliability coefficient. The results of the study revealed that, a combination of the independent variables significantly predicted the dependent variable F = (1,270); R = .285, R2 =.781, Adj. R2 = .017; P<.05). Based on the results of the findings, it was concluded that tourism development alleviated the burden of social welfare and should be encouraged at all levels of development.


Presentation Type

Virtual Poster


Changing Dimensions of Contemporary Tourism


Youth, Tourism, Communities