Hospitality Students Perceptions on Anthropology of Tourism


Today´s global society is defined by movement. Tourism represents the largest employer worldwide. Over 1.2 billion people have travelled internationally in 2016 (UNWTO Report, 2017). One in ten jobs (UNWTO Report, 2017) is connected to travel and tourism industries. Under these circumstances, choosing a career in tourism represents a valid option for millennial generation. Since these industries are so present nowadays the destinations, the countries and cultures are changing drastically in order to accommodate the various needs of the travelers and the hosts. Therefore, tourism has started to be included in the anthropological field of study. So, these are some of the premises that have triggered this research: a continuous need for movement and traveling, a worldwide industry providing jobs and income, a generation with high expectations and a new course meant to investigate changes in society. The purpose of this article is to analyze the impressions of graduating hospitality students regarding how tourism, anthropology, and cultures affect each other.


Marius Vlad