Impacts of Ecomuseums : A Case Study of an Ecomuseum in Nazarkoy


This paper explores the idea of Nazarköy (Kurudere-Kemalpaşa) as an ecomuseum for tourism and local sustainability. In Turks, glass working is seen from the Seljuk period. After the conquest of Istanbul, the center of glassware became the center of the city and glass workmanship has developed day by day. The use of glass in Anatolia for the first time in bead design started with the making of anklets and bead bracelets by the masters who came from Izmir. The beads that were learned from these masters were developed by the Turks, in accordance with their requirements, with bead design. Mr.Mahmut Sür, who is one of the most important cultural values of the Aegean region and has been chosen by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Child Organization (UNESCO) as a “Living Human Treasure” in the making of the “Eye of the Beautician,” continues to produce beads in traditional methods at his workshop in Nazarköy of İzmir Kemalpaşa. An ecomuseum can be developed in Nazarköy for sustainable tourism, thus attracting tourists. This would be a positive impact on the gross capital income for the village and residents, both nationally and internationally.


Sinem Kurtural
PHD Student, Museum Studies, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Changing Dimensions of Contemporary Tourism


Ecomuseum, Izmir