Comparative Analysis of Causes of Death of Elderly and General Pedestrians Using Classification and Regression Trees


In 2021, the number of deaths while pedestrian per 100,000 people in Korea was 2.0, which is twice the average of 0.9 for OECD member countries, while the number of deaths while pedestrian per 100,000 elderly population is 7.0, which is 2.2 compared to the average for OECD member countries. It appeared to be more than 3 times. In Korea, the proportion of the elderly population is increasing at a rapid pace, and it is expected to soon enter a super-aging society. Accordingly, the proportion of elderly people among pedestrian traffic accident fatalities continues to increase every year, reaching 59.8% as of 2022. The purpose of this study is to divide victims into groups of the elderly and the general public based on vehicle-to-person accident data in Seoul and apply CART analysis to each group to identify key variables that affect traffic accidents in the two groups. CART is the most widely used decision tree algorithm and is also used to analyze traffic accidents. The variables used are fatal crash, time, road type, vehicle type, pedestrian activity, pavement condition, and driver violation type such as speeding.


Sangjin Han
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Planning, Seoul National University, Seoul Teugbyeolsi [Seoul-T'ukpyolshi], South Korea

Taeyang Yang
Student, Ph.D., Seoul National University, Seoul Teugbyeolsi [Seoul-T'ukpyolshi], South Korea

Kijong Eom
Ph.D. Student, Seoul National University, South Korea


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


Road crash; Pedestrian; Elderly; Classification and Regression Trees