A Different Kind of Dementia Respite: Embracing Green Environment-based Activities and Dementia-friendly Respite Accommodation Outside Residential Aged care


Innovative respite services are crucial for enhancing the quality of life (QoL) of individuals with dementia and their carers, particularly in rural areas where support is limited. This paper presents two pioneering projects in regional Victoria, Australia: GreenConnect Dementia Respite (GreenConnect) and Treehouse4Two Retreat (T4Two). Both initiatives aim to enhance QoL for people with dementia, alleviate caregiving burdens, and foster positive respite experiences. Utilising codesign approaches encompassing focus groups and consultation workshops with people with dementia, carers, service providers, research academics, advocacy groups, GreenConnect was developed into a respite program rooted in green care principles. The program offers tailored dementia-friendly nature-based activities, experiences and overnight accommodation away from residential aged care (RAC) settings. The T4Two model is a 3-day retreat and respite translation of “HammondCare Staying at Home Program.” Both projects are undergoing comprehensive mixed-methods evaluation guided by the RE-AIM framework. This includes surveys, focus groups, and interviews conducted with both dyads and service providers. Outcomes will focus on measures of QoL (DEMQOL), caregiver burden (Zarit Interview), and purpose-designed satisfaction metrics, alongside recipient and staff experiences. Summary quantitative data and thematic insights from qualitative data analysis will be presented. Implications: These innovative projects showcase the body of research addressing crucial gaps in dementia respite and care in rural and regional settings. By enhancing QoL, reducing burden and respite experiences for dyads in rural and regional areas, these projects contribute to the evidence on delaying the transition of people with dementia to RAC.


Sean Mac Dermott
Associate Professor / Director: John Richards Centre for Rural Ageing Research, La Trobe University Rural Health School (LRHS), La Trobe University, Australia, Victoria, Australia

Irene Darmadi Blackberry
Chair and Director, Care Economy Research Institute, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia

Shahinoor Akter
Research Fellow, La Trobe Universtiy, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Medical Perspectives on Aging, Health, Wellness