Growing Old and (being able to) Work Longer in Inpatient Long-term Care (LTC) : The German Experience


In Germany, inpatient LTC not only suffers from high demand pressure, especially for very old people with highly complex care needs, but also from a considerable shortage of skilled care workers. At the same time, the workforce is ageing, and the exit of the baby boomers are also reaching this sector. Inpatient nursing care must therefore be provided by ever fewer and ever older staff. As part of the EIWO project, the LTC is one of the most intensively studied sector. On the one hand, the presentation deals with the particular employment risks for ageing and older care workers and related disadvantages including particular impacts of inequalities – compared to other sectors in Germany. On the other hand, it presents examples of good practice that show how to ensure that they can remain in the profession “with dignity” for longer and how to prevent particular mix of disadvantages and inequalities. The presentation is based on literature research, sector expert interviews and company case studies.


Gerhard Naegele
Institute for Gerontology, TU Dortmund University, Germany