Reframing Ageing: A Systems View of Socio-Cultural Implications of Ageing


Starting with a close-up into the ageing experience in India through case studies, this workshop brings forth a deeper, systemic understanding of what ageing means to individuals in the context of their socio-cultural setting. Weaving select personal stories with the narrative of the burgeoning dementia centers and caregiver groups, the presenter spotlights the simple yet grossly missing ingredient in addressing the fast-ageing population, reframing the definition of ageing from being understood in terms of chronology to a state of dependence and declining wellbeing. Participants in this workshop share their experiences and enrich the collective learning by way of contributing their unique contexts. The outcome of the workshop is to be able to identify key interventions which can disrupt the way ageing is being dealt with and to inspire the audience to lead a youthful life.


Namrata Arora
Founder and Director, Strategy, Zemyna Foundation, Karnataka, India


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2024 Special Focus—Diversity Over Time: Changes in Individual, Organizational, and Place Contexts


SystemsThinking, SocioCultural, India, CaseStudies, Inclusion&Diversity, Reframing Ageing