Cut Me Nicely: Understanding the Patient/client-aesthetic Surgeon Relationships in the Aesthetic Surgery


(Anti-ageing) aesthetic surgery is currently the fastest-growing commercial medicine. Despite the popularity of aesthetic surgery and its power in society, less research attention is paid to what happens between women (potential clients/patients) and aesthetic surgeons during the consultation process at the aesthetic surgery clinic. Therefore, we tried to fill the gap in this study by understanding negotiation, power positions, and trust anchored between women (potential patients/clients) and aesthetic surgeons. Through qualitative research based on interviews and non-participatory observations, this paper attempts to comprehend the meaning attributed to these aesthetic interventions by the aesthetic surgeons and the women patients/clients. Aesthetic surgery has and uses its specific communication practices, language, trust-building, decision-making, and certain gender-specificities. The specific experience with the journey to aesthetic surgery can influence women’s perception of their aging process and beauty. All these aspects are discussed in this study.


Michaela Honelová
PhD Student, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Czech Republic

Lucie Vidovićová
Assistant Professor, Sociology, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Medical Perspectives on Aging, Health, Wellness


Anti-aging, Aesthetic surgery; Medical encounter; Gender