Community Nursing Education Innovation Using Cardiac Risk Assessment


Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally. A cardiac risk assessment is needed. Community programs for maintaining older adults’ physical, mental, and social well-being are needed for aging populations globally. This abstract explains the experience of teaching cardiac risk assessment to nursing students to allow them to conduct assessments in the community with partner organizations. The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey funded this innovation. Nurses play a crucial role in health promotion and primary prevention of disease. Students in a population and global health course are provided with the information, skills, and necessary materials to perform comprehensive cardiac risk assessments. They first learn the steps and practice the skills in the clinical laboratory setting. They take their hands-on learning and practice the skills in various community-based settings, from campus to local high schools to church basements. Nursing students develop communication skills to inform and empower populations about lifestyle choices regarding smoking cessation, dietary enhancements, exercise, and stress management. Nursing students see firsthand the impacts of social determinants of health, the importance of cultural humility, and practice counseling skills with participants in the CV risk assessment. Nursing students develop communication skills to inform and empower populations about lifestyle choices regarding smoking cessation, dietary enhancements, exercise, and stress management. Preparing nursing students to conduct comprehensive assessments with cultural humility while engaging with the community is an innovative approach to addressing the morbidity and mortality associated with heart disease. This program promotes healthy physical and social aging into older adulthood.


Mary Elzabeth Duffy
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Montclair State University, New Jersey, United States

Courtney Reinisch
Professor, School of Nursing, Montclair State University, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Medical Perspectives on Aging, Health, Wellness


Nursing Education Cardiac Risk Assessment Nursing Innovation