Disclosure and Reporting of Abuse Against older Adults: Perspectives of Older Adults with Abuse Histories and Service Providers in Alberta, Canada


Despite an increase in the prevalence of abuse against older adults in Canada, research on the complex nature of disclosure of abuse for community-residing older adults is scarce. This tri-provincial exploratory qualitative study seeks to understand the barriers and facilitators of disclosure and reporting of abuse against older adults in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. This paper discusses findings from interviews conducted with older adults with lived experience of abuse and service providers working directly with older adults experiencing abuse in rural and urban Alberta. Through the thematic analysis of interviews, three key themes were identified: (1) barriers to disclosure and reporting of abuse; (2) facilitators to disclosure and reporting; and (3) key tensions between service providers’ and older adults’ perceptions of the disclosure and reporting process. Based on these findings, this paper offers recommendations to increase awareness, promote disclosure, and improve services for older adults experiencing abuse


Christine A. Walsh
Professor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


Violence Against Older Adults, Disclosure, Reporting, Barriers; Facilitators; Canada