Personalised Support for Informal Caregivers of Older People with Dementia: The Integrated Digital System DemiCare


The DemiCare project is funded by the AAL research programme of the European Union, and aims at developing a technology-based solution to improve the quality of life and to promote healthy and active ageing among people with dementia (PwD) and their informal caregivers. By means of a consortium of partners from the Netherlands, Romania, Austria, and Italy, DemiCare uses AI-based technologies for providing personalized information through an ad-hoc App, to support the well-being of informal caregivers of older PwD. This integrated solution includes two devices (a smart wristband and an insole) that are connected to a smartphone App with two main functions: to monitor the PwD’s vital parameters, walking, location, and health status; and to offer targeted contents with respect to dementia and its consequences and management. Through DemiCare, caregivers will be able to consult personalized contents via the App, that are updated according to the changing conditions of the cared-for PwD or of the caregiver’s needs. To develop the system, an increasing number of end users is involved in four successive steps: a co-design phase, a lab and a wearability study, a pilot and a concluding field trial. This will allow to learn gradually as much as possible about the needs of PwDs and of their informal caregivers that can be met by the proposed system. At the end, it is expected to achieve an effective solution that will contribute to improve informal caregivers’ ability to cope with their role as caregivers for a PwD.


Renna Roberta
Project Manager, Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, INRCA, Ancona, Italy

Paciaroni Lucia
Psychologist, Unit of Neurology, IRCCS INRCA , Ancona, Italy

Maria Gabriella Melchiorre
Researcher, Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, IRCCS INRCA Ancona, Italy

Alessandra Raccicchini

Gris Francesca
Researcher, Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, IRCCS INRCA Ancona, Italy, Italy

Serena Cancellieri
Project Manager- Researcher, CRESI, INRCA, Ancona, Italy

Giovanni Lamura
Researcher, INRCA (IRCCS) - National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Beyond Technology for Aging Societies


Dementia, Older people, Informal caregiver, Integrated systems, Personalization, Support