Interregional Disparities and Health Provision in Urban and Rural Areas in Austria and Italy


The Movinsi! project analyzes health services in aging and rural cross-border regions (Austria, Italy) and deals with future provision (incl. health-promoting services). The methods used include analyzing the institutional framework and health provision through descriptive statistics based on secondary data, as well as conducting an online survey to assess satisfaction with regional services. The survey applies the SERVQUAL model to identify shortages and disparities in regional health services. The findings reveal that improvements have been made in the provision of health services in Carinthia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Unmet needs have decreased over time in both countries and across various degrees of urbanization. However, there are differences in healthcare schemes applied in cross-border regions, with variations in healthcare expenditures, the number of healthcare professionals, and hospital facilities. The online survey indicates that overall regional ratings of health services are above average, with participants reporting their preferences and experiences. Gaps were identified by comparing the importance of specific dimensions of health services with the actual experiences, highlighting deficits in the provision of agreed services, compliance with appointments, reliability of the information, and accessibility. On the other hand, aspects such as opening hours, courtesy of employees, interior design, and communication appearance were rated sufficient or of minor importance. Despite differences in healthcare delivery and spending, all cross-border regions have high and similar satisfaction ratings. The project’s findings provide insights into regional health service provision and can guide future efforts to address disparities and improve healthcare in the studied areas.


Albert Luger
Senior Researcher/Lecturer, School of Management (SoM)/Institute for Applied Research on Ageing (IARA)/Demographic Change and Regional Development (DCRD), Carinthia University of Applied Sciences gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH , Austria

Birgit Aigner Walder
Professor of Applied Economics, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences/ Institute for Applied Research on Ageing


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Overcoming Inequalities and Promoting Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges for Ageing Societies