Active Aging Through Theater : Theatre Group Work with Older Adults and Its Benefits for Their Health and Society


The paper introduces the work of a group of older people in a small theatre in Czechia. The author presents the results of action and qualitative research conducted during the preparation of the last production. The theater is an excellent tool for promoting active aging, offering numerous benefits for older adults, including therapeutic effects and social change. The therapeutic effects of theater have been well-documented. By engaging in theatrical activities, older people can strengthen their physical abilities, maintain cognitive function, and develop new social connections. Acting, singing, and dancing are all physically demanding activities that can help older adults maintain their strength, flexibility, and coordination. The cognitive benefits of theater are also significant. The process of learning lines, memorizing choreography, and understanding character motivations can help older adults maintain cognitive function and improve memory. Drama can be a powerful tool for addressing the cognitive decline that can occur with age, promoting brain plasticity, and helping to prevent or delay the onset of dementia. Older adults can develop greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence by exploring different characters and emotions. They can also express themselves creatively, building confidence and self-esteem. The social benefits of theater are perhaps the most significant. By engaging in theatrical activities, older adults can develop new social connections and combat social isolation. Moreover, theater can be an excellent tool for promoting intergenerational understanding and challenging stereotypes about aging. Intergenerational collaborations in theater can help to bridge the gap between generations, creating new opportunities for learning and connection.


Magdalena Svozilova
Student, Masters, Palacky University Olomouc, Olomoucký kraj, Czech Republic


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Promoting Active Aging


Drama, Theatre, Expressive Therapy, Intergenerational Understanding, Creative Groupwork, Active Aging