Promoting Active Ageing through New Technologies: An APP for Seniors in Spain


Population ageing is one of the most important changes that our society is facing today. Ageing is characterized by the decrease in physiological activity that leads older population to greater vulnerability which has been also aggravated during confinement. Seniors were more affected by greater social restrictions as they were the age group at greatest risk for the disease caused by COVID-19. These restrictions have affected not only their physical, cognitive and psychological health but also their social relationships and loneliness. On the other hand, the process of digitization of our society is increasing. This growing phenomenon can offer great opportunities to seniors. However, it has been found that the use of new technologies is lower in older people, bringing a digital generational gap. Even though new technologies can bring great opportunities to seniors, if it is approached from an active ageing perspective. The main objective of this study is to identify the desired features for a platform or app focused on seniors to improve their active aging and social participation. Two co-creation sessions in Spain were carried out involving 5 seniors and 5 professionals. The results show that to receive continuous training and support on the use of ICTs, adapted to the heterogeneous needs of this group is important. Easy access to digital tools, online support through a “virtual trainer” and the possibility to connect to other users were the main functionalities for a desired APP for seniors.


Sandra Martínez Molina
Researcher, Polibienestar -UVEG, Valencia, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Promoting Active Aging