Advanced Strategies to Contrast the Household Socio-economic Risk Due to Long-term Care Needs in Europe: Results from a Qualitative Study in Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, Finland and Poland


The ageing population and socio-economic deprivation risk are critical social issues in this era. Global health and welfare systems are strongly affected by these growing needs that threaten sustainability. The contrast to health and social provision inequalities has become relevant in designing sustainable development strategies. Households can be directly and indirectly involved in LTC, providing informal care or buying private care. Households investing in LTC are exposed to socioeconomic risk. This study explores in depth households’ socio-economic risk due to the long-term care needs of dependent older people in six European countries ( Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, Finland and Poland), identifying the phenomenon’s main characteristics and detecting suggestions for innovative policies. The selected countries are characterised by different national poverty rates and represent European care regimes based on national LTC schemes, offering an international perspective. A set of interviews and Focus groups involved 62 Experts and stakeholders from the six countries. The analysis of linguistic corpus and contents analysis, supported by T-Labs software, confirm how material deprivation and social exclusion are risks related to providing informal care or economic support for care provided at home. Innovative strategies must recognise households’ contribution to LTC provisions to implement specific supportive policies.


Georgia Casanova
Researcher, Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, INRCA (IRCCS) - National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing, Ancona, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Ensuring Quality Long-Term Care


Socio-Economic risk, Long Term Care, Supportive policies, Comparative study