Politics of the Margins: Cinematic Discourses of Retirement in About Schmidt (2002) and The Intern (2015)


We reflect upon the cinematic representation of adjustment to retirement based on a comparative approach of two American movies, i.e. About Schmidt (2002) and The Intern (2015). If both movies stage a newly retired male character, (soon-to-be) widower, living alone, afar from their only child, their representation of retirement is very different. In About Schmidt, the adjustment to retirement is cumbersome and it entails an identity crisis. The character evolution – or involution – is punctuated by loneliness, resentment, uselessness, and lack of perspective. Filmed almost 15 years later, The Intern puts forward a very different approach of old age; here, retirement means staying active, creating new relationships, and exploring different possibilities of fulfillment, meant to keep the individual emotionally and professionally fit. Based on a qualitative content analysis, we show here that in the two movies there is a clear, positive evolution in the cinematic representation of retirement, in line with the “successful ageing” paradigm and with the social and cultural changes underwent by American society. We also show that, despite this evolution, a closer reading of The Intern highlights that the societal change could only happen within some clearly defined limits. In The Intern, the presence of a retiree in a successful e-commerce start-up is perceived as something exotic; his role is to back up, in a fatherly way, the evolution of the female leading character. The politics of inclusion function only to a certain extent, keeping the retiree at bay from the decision-making process.


Denisa Adriana Oprea
Associate Professor, Communication Department, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucuresti, Romania

Loredana Ivan
Professor, Communication Department, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucuresti, Romania


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Mainstreaming Aging