Community Recreation Centers as Inclusive Spaces: Needs and Strategies of Older Adults with Mental Health Challenges


Older adults living with mental health challenges (MHC) often experience social exclusion. A health promotion program, developed to support this group’s community participation, was identified as a relevant program to foster their inclusion in community recreation centres (RC). An action research project aimed to adapt and implement this program in RC. The first steps of this research were to explore 1) the needs of older adults with MHC, older adult members of RC and RC facilitators, and 2) their envisioned strategies for an inclusive implementation of the program in RC. A descriptive qualitative approach was followed. Focus groups were conducted with older adults with MHC, older RC members and RC facilitators. Thematic analysis of data was conducted. Main results indicate that older adults with MHC need to feel safe, be accompanied when needed and included without disclosure of their MHC. Older members of RC expressed a need to be informed of the presence of these older adults. Facilitators stated that they needed to know how to better support older adults with MHC. Strategies for inclusion in RC included providing accompaniment, raising awareness of older adults’ different life experiences, offering relevant training for facilitators, and developing partnerships with community stakeholders. Disclosure of a MHC is sensitive and will have to be considered when implementing the program in order to avoid prejudices towards older adults with MHC. Partnership with other community resources is essential for the development of inclusive opportunities for participation for this group.


Ginette Aubin
Associated Professor (retired), Occupational Therapy, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Quebec, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Promoting Active Aging


Community Participation, Recreation centers, Mental Health, Inclusion