Support of Older People in Times of COVID-19: Old or New Inequalities?


COVID-19 has brought about many challenges across the globe, and measures to contain the spread of the virus led to profound changes in social support patterns. Based on data from our quantitative study on “health & support during times of COVID-19” and expert interviews we assess changes in inter- and intragenerational support and challenges in the care sector. We find evidence for age-related inequalities during times of crisis and suggest different countermeasures on the community level.


Martina Brandt
Prof., Vice Dean, Social Sciences, TU Dortmund, Germany

Monika Reichert
Professor of Social Gerontology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Technical University Dortmund, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Ensuring Quality Long-Term Care


Care, Support, Generations, Community, Inequality