Behavior Change: Improving Older Adult Quality of Life through Walk4Fitness


The Walk4Fitness (W4F) program is specifically designed for older adults. Program objectives instilled the significance of consistent participation in a physically, cognitively, and socially stimulating/dynamic walking program and nurtured achievement ignited by sustained behavior change. Further, W4F sought to improve health outcomes through diverse research interventions as a health promotion activity. W4F’s practical relevance is improved health outcomes through sustained practice of comprehensive forms of walking. Critical Gerontology Theory blended with W4F, resulted in a mixed-methods research amalgamation of the natural sciences and the humanities to positively impact the human condition. Gerontology professionals comprise the target audience, as the science of aging demands continual thought, action, and persistence to promote health equity. When W4F incorporates a research objective, mixed-methods techniques are prescribed due to the ability to assimilate multiple forms of data. W4F was designed for ordered stages: Getting Started, Execution/Implementation, Walking: Whatcha Gotta Know, Paperwork and Reports, and References. Participants received sequenced educational handouts explaining the knowledge activities. They included: the use of equipment, walking techniques and forms, the benefits of walking, general techniques, and the physiological impacts of walking. All Walk leaders and ~80% of participants who completed the twelve-week program provided effectiveness evaluations. Results include: reported participants’ health improvements, transitioned casual walkers into walking athletes, sustained behavior change, and recognition of W4F as a viable physical activity and research platform. Two conclusions revealed a reported program shortfall with ineffective video-based walk leader training and secondly, program success as a vehicle for behavior change.


John Bishop
Retired Principal, Aging Matters LLC, United States

Ellen Driber-Hassall
Principal, Aging Matters, LLC, New Mexico, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Promoting Active Aging


Behavior Change, Physical Activity, Health Promotion