Status of Health Habits of Residents of City A


This study seeks to ascertain the health habits of city A residents. From the resident registry network, we chose a random sample of 3,000 individuals aged twenty years or older as of August 2016, from different gender and age groups. We asked them to answer anonymously a questionnaire on health habits. The participants were provided with an overview of this study, and their data have been carefully stored. A total of 1,248 individuals responded (response rate: 41.6%). Among the participants, 7.4% self-evaluated their health habits as “very healthy,” whereas 71.1% deemed their habits as “relatively healthy.” Regarding exercise, 54.8% preferred to use elevators and escalators over stairs, whereas 70.5% were aware they did not exercise enough. Regarding eating breakfast, 88.9% ate almost daily, and 42.6% ate vegetables almost daily. Only 29% were aware of the recommended daily vegetable intake. Meanwhile, only 22.8% weighed themselves almost daily and 48.4% knew their BMI. In the past year, 57.8% underwent a health checkup. In terms of pre-existing conditions, 30.6% had hypertension and 14.7% had a lipid metabolism abnormality. Health issues were discussed by 61.3% with their families and by 39.5% with friends. Many of the participants felt subjectively healthy. Although aware of the need to and their lack of exercise, many could not exercise regularly. Many were unaware of the recommended daily vegetable intake. Few weighed themselves daily, knew their BMI, or undergo regular medical checkups. Thus, health experts need to do more to educate residents about healthy habits.


Presentation Type

Poster/Exhibit Session


Medical Perspectives on Aging, Health, Wellness


Health Habits, Residents, Exercise, Health Checkup, Nutrition