Elderly Village : A Way to Increase Productivity and Empowering The Elderly


Being old is a mercy given by God that cannot be denied. Nevertheless, being old also decrease stamina, energy, and productivity. However, it does not mean that the elderly cannot work and do their normal activities. Especially for them who had experiences in their youth. Their experiences of course can be poured into a masterpiece or an inspirational story for the next generation. Yet, the elderly being exciled because they are considered unable to work properly and it can destroy their mentality. The elderly even being imprisoned in their houses, given maid, and entrusted to the nursing house. It can cause the elderly to get sick from stress and lack of exercise. Establishing an elderly community as an “Elderly Village” where it is expected for the elderly to be more productive and get special attention that has never been the spotlight of the government. This research attempts to figure out the way elderly can be more productive in their old age, the need for elderly to be productive, and the aging effects for the society. The method used for the research is interviewing related parties such as the elderly themselves and the government we well as by reviewing related journals and papers. Thus, the research is expected to contribute ideas and plans for the establishment of an elderly village.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


Elderly Nursing Aging